Photographing the babies
The ideal time to take pictures of a new baby is the first two weeks of life, preferably between 6 and 10 days. It is the time when everything is still new to us, with all those beautiful, delicate details that will disappear in no time.
If you decide to hire a professional photographer to take pictures of your curled up and sleeping baby, you need to book him before birth. Photographing usually last longer, at least three hours because it leaves plenty of time for feeding, changing, cuddling and preparing for the sleep, so that both mom and baby are happy. You do not need to hurry.
The baby can be photographed after 14 days, but you and your photographer will have to customise the baby's needs. It will be best to shoot sleepy babies while they are in their dream land, however awaken baby's it would be best to photograph with their eyes wide open.
When photographing your baby prepare black and white combinations of the parents clothing while the baby can be only in a , but it is very nice to prepare shoes for baby, baby caps, pacifiers and a few toys to keep these little cute things interested and alert when being photographed to ensure that the pictures will create lasting memories.
Take pictures in natural light without the flash. Mornings and evenings are great because of the multitude of shadows, soft light, and it is most comfortable to take pictures. So you will see more details in the photos. Don't use flash because it bothers the babies. In the morning the baby is in the best mood, so it is the best time to create life long memories.
Most cameras have the option for macro photographing (symbol of the flower). It is for photographing motifs that are closer than 50 cm. This option is good for taking pictures of baby's body parts - arms holding the toy, faces and hats, skin folds. Be patient. Sharpen and wait for the right moment to take a picture, especially if you take a picture your baby.
The baby should be the centre of the image so make distracting factors to a minimum - the many toys, clothes that draw attention. The child can lie down or sit on the sheet in order to get a clean surface and the baby in the centre of the image. In this case, less is more.
See photos of babies in magazines, books, on the internet and try to emulate them in the frame, environment, blurring the background, colours, everyday situation.
Photographing the kids
Photographing children is quite difficult. The child must be satisfied, rested, fed and happy.
The child should be stimulated, make them laugh; put them in a position that suits you. It is easier to photograph if you have an assistant. Both parents can participate, so that one is photographed with the kid while others assist and then take turns. So you get more comprehensive pictures because each eye sees and wants to photograph a different picture.
Do not forget to photograph yourself with the child. To you that may not be interesting, but the child and photos with you will be more valuable than those where they are alone. Family pictures exude love and togetherness. Take pictures of the children with siblings, grandparents, godparents and friends.
On the camera, use the option of multiple shooting - click and it will photograph a few photos in a short period of time. So you can capture that special moment, glance, smile.
Plan! There are special moments when your child is growing and you definitely want to photograph it (celebrations, moments when he learned something new, rare moments). Be ready for them. Take pictures of your child at regular intervals because initially kids are changing every day and then once a month.
Try to catch the facial expression, body posture, activity that the child often does and what characterise him or her. Keep your camera close.
Take advantage of children's curiosity! Take pictures of them until the first time they do something or see, playing for the first time with something, give them a lemon for a sour lemon face, sugar for "sweet" face, shiny objects for a curious face.
Be creative! Play with light and shadow, close-ups, children's gestures, photographs in black and white (it is better to see details and pictures turn out very artistic, especially if it is macro photographed), take photographs from bird or frog perspective or from behind.
Some ideas may be great, but make sure that the safety and comfort of the child are in the first place.
Do not forget that the time of photographing should be fun for all involved, especially the children. When the fun stops it is better to rest your camera, because you no longer have the most important requirement for a good photo - happy child who is irresistible.
This guest post is written by Maya on behalf of Perth Wedding Photographers one of the leading photographers in Perth that photograph weddings, family portraits and events.
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