Top Questions About Brain Development In Toddlers 1-2 Years

Top Questions About Brain Development In Toddlers 1-2 Years


Your toddler's brain is growing at a faster speed from zero to age two than at any other stage in life. Early brain development also has long-term consequences for a child's ability to learn and achieve in school and life. The nature of your child's early experiences, whether favorable or harmful, helps impact their brain growth. It is estimated that a newborn infant's brain is around a fourth the size of an adult's brain. It almost doubles in size in the first year. It grows to be approximately 80% of adult size by age 3 and 90% - virtually full-grown - by age 5.

In this blog, we answer the most critical questions, questions that you may be hesitant to ask others, concerning brain development in toddlers aged 1-2 years, questions about milestones, activities that improve brain growth, and understanding when to seek a doctor's advice.


How does a newborn baby's brain function?

The brain is referred to as the command center of our bodies. A newborn baby’s brain has all the neurons or the brain cells they will have for the rest of their lives, but the connections between these cells allow the brain to function. Brain connections enable us to move, think, communicate, and accomplish almost everything. From age 1-2 is the best time for these bonds to be formed. New synapses (connections) are generated at a rate of at least one million per second, which is more than at any other time in one's life.

Different brain parts are in charge of different capacities, such as movement, language, and emotion, and they grow at different speeds. As connections interact with one other in more complicated ways, brain growth develops on itself. This allows your toddler to move, speak, and think more complexly.

The early years provide the finest chance for a child's brain to form the connections necessary for them to grow into healthy, capable, and successful adults. Many higher-level talents, like motivation, self-regulation, problem-solving, and communication, are established during these early years. These critical brain connections are significantly more challenging to create later in life.


How Do Brain Connections Form?

Children create brain connections through their everyday experiences, beginning at infancy. They are formed via cordial relationships with their parents and caregivers and through the use of their senses to engage with the environment. The daily events your kid dictate which brain connections grow and which will endure a lifetime. It is all about the amount and quality of attention, stimulation, and connection kids receive in their early years.


What emotions do newborns experience between the ages of 1-2 years?

The most critical impacts on a child's brain development are their connections with the people in their lives. A child's healthy growth requires loving interactions with responsive, reliable adults. These connections begin at home, with parents and family, and include child care providers, teachers, and other community members.

Young children extend invitations to interact with their parents and other adult caregivers from birth. Babies communicate via cooing, smiling, and crying. Toddlers express their wants and needs more directly. Each of these little invites provides a chance for the caregiver to respond to their needs. This "give and return" procedure is crucial to brain circuitry. Parents and caregivers who pay attention to, respond to and connect with their children physically grow their brains. That is why it is critical to begin talking, singing, reading, and playing with young children as soon as they are born, allowing them to experience their physical world and establish secure, stable, and supportive situations.


What is a toddler brain thinking?

Soon after their first birthday, the toddlers associate words and sounds with meanings, such as woof-woof for a dog, with actual words coming quickly behind. By eighteen months, most toddlers can utter fifty words and comprehend five hundred words, so even if they don't say much back, they're listening!

They're turning into a tiny brainbox when it comes to thinking. At twelve months, you may witness children combining two thoughts to make a strategy. For example, if they are hungry, they may go to the kitchen, where they know they will be given some food. They're also developing into mini-decision-makers with firm ideas about what they want to accomplish and how they want to do it. Their behavior becomes more organized, allowing children to quickly go from playing with their building blocks to eating a sandwich and back.

Your toddler’s brain will be able to comprehend more of what is happening around them by eighteen months. They will anticipate discovering objects in specific locations and know that some activities occur concurrently. So if you disrupt their schedule or move their favorite toy, they will most likely notice! Hide and seek games are amusing at this age because your baby is learning what to anticipate and what not to expect.

This growth also has a practical consequence: your toddler will soon want to dress and assist themselves to their supper. They're lovely mimics and eager learners, so you may simply begin teaching them how to perform these tasks, even if they may want your assistance for a little bit longer. Watching them grow in independence as their little personalities emerge is exciting and satisfying.


What is the relationship between brain development and memory?

Between the ages of one and two, your toddler's memory improves significantly, and you may be surprised at how keen they are. Around twelve months, they'll recognize rhymes and games, be able to show you which book has their favorite picture, and know which toys are theirs. They will also begin to comprehend the concepts of 'I' and me,' and they may become rather protective of what is theirs. 'Mine' might become a common phrase. But don't worry, they'll soon discover the delights of sharing!

Your baby will also be able to recall several verses of their favorite nursery rhyme by eighteen months. So, singing and reading with your child will take on a new meaning, with your toddler immediately pointing out the things you forget or get wrong!


How can negative childhood experiences affect a baby's brain development?

Children who have more satisfying relationships in their early years are more likely to be healthy and successful in school and life. Unfortunately, the contrary is also true. Poverty, exposure to family violence, and a lack of access to high-quality early learning activities can all negatively influence a child's early brain development and, as a result, long-term performance.


How can I tell whether my baby's brain is developing normally?

Doctors utilize developmental milestones to determine whether or not a youngster is developing typically. Because there is a wide range of what is considered normal, some children may develop abilities sooner or later than others. Toddlers born prematurely may miss out on developmental milestones. Discuss your child's progress with your doctor at all times.


Here are some typical activities for toddlers at this age:

Language and Communication Skills

  • Try to utter three or more words (other than "mama" and "dada").
  • Follow one-step instructions given in words rather than motions ("Pick up the toy.")

Physical Development and Movement

  • Reach out without clinging to anybody or anything
  • Get into and off a chair or sofa without assistance
  • Drink from a cup without a cover and may occasionally spill
  • They eat with their fingers and perhaps a spoon.
  • Scribble

Social and emotional growth

  • Point out anything interesting to you
  • Walk away from you, but keep an eye out for you.
  • Put their hands out to be washed
  • Assist in dressing by pushing an arm through a sleeve or lifting a foot
  • Examine a few pages of a book with caretakers.

Cognitive Abilities (Thinking and Learning)

  • Replicate your duties, such as sweeping
  • Playing with toys in simple ways, such as moving a toy vehicle.


When Should I See a Doctor?

You are the expert on your child. Share your concerns with your child's doctor, even if they are minor. Inform your doctor if your toddler is not meeting one or more milestones or if you observe that your kid had abilities but has lost them.


What can I do at home to assist my kid’s brain development?

  • Sing counting songs with your toddler and encourage them to ask for more at snack time, using either words or a hand gesture.
  • Provide toys that children may use to display the grasp of their surroundings, such as cooking, grocery shopping, and baby care.
  • Allow your kid to explore basic puzzles like nested cups. If your youngster becomes stuck, provide assistance. Use size phrases with your kid and point out significant and little items.
  • When your child asks many "why" questions, be patient and attempt to answer as many as possible.
  • Spend time outside with your toddler, taking a stroll, collecting leaves, listening to the breeze, and smelling flowers.
  • During routines, use animal motions: "Let's soar like a bird to the bathroom for bathtime."


What activities can I do with my kid to help him develop social skills?

These fun activities can help your friendly youngster improve their social skills.

  • Hide & seek - hide anything beneath a tea towel and cry out "here it is" when your tiny giggler finds it - guaranteed squeals of amusement!
  • Make a funny face, wave your hands about, or wriggle your shoulders, and urge your child to do the same.
  • Tea time - use their tea set as a lunchtime treat and let them 'be a mother' - it's a terrific opportunity for them to improve coordination, caring, and sharing.


What are the healthy foods for a child's brain development in the first two years?

As your child grows, they require a healthy diet rich in brain-boosting nutrients. Iron, present in meals such as red meat, green leafy vegetables, and crucial omega-3 fats found in rapeseed oil, are both necessary for optimal brain development.

Toddlers should not consume the same meals as adults; they require a special diet appropriate for their growing bodies. Slow-release energy items such as bananas and oatmeal are excellent choices for keeping children energetic and attentive all day. Ensure your baby eats a diverse selection of meals to help them acquire the entire spectrum of nutrients they need in these crucial years of brain development.



A child's brain development of 1-2 years demonstrates an increased ability to grasp their surroundings. Children will learn many new things as they grow and develop and begin to address difficulties in their daily lives. Your kid already adores everyone in their vicinity, especially you! However, between the ages of one and two, kids become more aware of other people and realize that they may be just as entertaining as toys.

We understand what it means to be a parent, and the road we embark on as parents is not an easy one. But don't worry, you're not alone! has all the information about raising children and useful parenting tips. We offer guidance from experts, educators, and parents! Following the suggestions and tactics in this article can make it easier for you and your children to enjoy the development process.

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